

Adds an command block to be applied when a certain event happens in a target.

Known hooks:

  • before_build; called before the target is build, but after all dependencies are build
  • after_build; called after the target was build

The block of a hook can contain any commands that are usually also available inside the target, plus some extra ones, which are listed below.

hook after_build {
    # ...
# Name Type Info
0 hook sym

The hook to add the block to; see table above

Known core Subcommands


Copies file(s) from one place to another. The arguments are both uri’s that are resolved against the target.

Usage: copy "from" "to"

# Name Type Info
0 from str

The "from" path

Expanded?: ✅
1 to str

The "to" path

Expanded?: ✅