
Used to log something while your target is evaluated; good for printing out some data set with set_data, especially when using complex pipelines. Can also stop the buildprocess (most usefull when wrapped by an if).

The first argument is the level and can any of the following:

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal In addition, all of them have a _stop variant which will stop the buildprocess.

The second argument is the format string given to the logger. You can use all your typical printf style formatters here like %s, %d and so on. As input for this formatting, all arguments after the format itself are used; which makes this command variadic.


log trace "Test: %d" 123

log fatal_stop "Test: %d" 123
# Name Type Info
0 level sym

Loglevel; see list above

1 format str

The format string given to the logger

Expanded?: ✅
2+ ... vararg Varargs