

Used to create an target; can only be placed into the top-level block (file).


target "name" {
    # Target commands
# Name Type Info
0 name str

The name of the target to define

Expanded?: ❌

Known core data

Following data is provided by default:

  • $(sys.rootDir): root directory of the buildfile containing the target
  • $(sys.outDir): output directory for the target
  • $(sys.buildDir): build directory for the target
  • $(sys.includeOnly): boolean value set to true if theres no files to be build and no build handlers. One such case where this is present would be if you write an target with the c/c++ language that only contains header files (an so-called header-only library).

Resolving uri’s

Each time a uri is to be resolved for an target, the following “protocols” / formats are allowed:

  • none specified: plain file path against the root directory of the buildfile.

  • build://: relative path from the build directory of the target.

  • out://: relative path from the output directory of the target.

  • src+alias://: relative path to a (named) source; here alias is the name / alias of the source, which would be declared with the as "alias" syntax (see below).

Known core Subcommands


Sets the language of an target. First argument must be an registered language; everything after it depends on the language selected. See the languages documentation for that.

Usage: lang "name"

# Name Type Info
0 name str

The name of the language

Expanded?: ✅


Sets a description for the target. This is purely visual.

Usage: desc "Some description"

# Name Type Info
0 value str

The description of the target

Expanded?: ✅


Sets the type of the target. Required.

Example: type bin

# Name Type Info
0 type sym

The type the of the target

Allowed values:
  • bin
  • binary
  • lib
  • library
1 kind (optional) sym

The library kind of the target. Allowed values depend on the language used.


Adds a source to the project. This can either be a glob (like ./src/*.cpp) or an directory, in which case the language you’ve set will determine the files included. The string can also be in the form of accessor://remote to use an remote source. For more informations about accessors, see its documentation.

You can specify an alias for the source, by adding as "abc" at the end, which is usefull for refering to longer source declarations like git repos.

use "./src"

use "./src/**/*.cpp"

use "git://"

use "x" as "y"

Aliases: sources

# Name Type Info
0 source str Expanded?: ✅
1 as (optional) sym Allowed values:
  • as
2 alias (optional) str Expanded?: ❌


Adds a dependency to the current target. There are two kinds of dependencies: local and remote:

  • local dependecies are simply dependencies to other targets. They are done by simply writing the name of it: use "mylib"
  • remote dependencies are whre nitto’s repository system comes in. They are build like an url: accessor://remote, like: mvn://some/maven/dependency. For more informations about accessors, see its documentation.


use "mylib"

use "mvn://some/maven/dependency"

There is however a optional second argument: static. With it, you can express that the connection to the dependency should be static, which for example means to c/c++ to link statically.

# Name Type Info
0 remote str Expanded?: ✅
1 static (optional) sym Allowed values:
  • static


The set_data command is used to manipulate the target’s datastore. There are two ways to use this command:

  • simple: set_data <key> <value>
  • complex: set_data <type> <key> <operation> <values ...>


When using this variant, keys set with this are only containing strings.

Example: set_data "my.key" "123456"

# Name Type Info
0 key str

The key to set

Expanded?: ✅
1 value str

The value to set the key to

Expanded?: ✅


When using this variant, you can choose better what data to store and better manipulate it.

Type Operation Description
str_list clear Clears the list
append Appends to the end of the list
path_str set Sets a path; allows for both build:// and out:// prefixed paths!
# Name Type Info
0 type sym

The type of the key; see table above

1 key str

The key to set

Expanded?: ✅
2 operation sym

The operation to do; see table above

3 val str

The value to use as input for the operation

Expanded?: ✅