User Config

The user config is a per-user configuration and typically lays in $HOME/.nitto/userconfig.json. To display it simply run nitto uconf show (or add -j for json).

User repositories

Under the key user_repos, the user can define custom repositories for nittos package management.

  "user_repos": [
      "name": "xxx",
      "source": "https://yyy",
      "binary": "https://zzz"
  • name: the name of the repo; will be accessible via it’s qualified name: u:<name>
  • source: (optional) the link to a git repository to use as source; (Not yet implemented)
  • binary: (optional) the baseurl to a binary repository

Repository configuration

To configure any binary repository, use the key package_repo_configs:

  "package_repo_configs" : [
      "url": "http://lagann.local:4567",
      "auth": {
        "type": "basic",
        "user": "abc",
        "pass": "def"
  • url: the baseurl of the binary repository
  • auth: data about the authentication; type denotes which type to use: basic for HTTP-Basic-Auth or bearer for a bearer token. Basic auth requires user and pass, while bearer auth just requires token.