
This plugin provides the Java programming languages to nitto. To enable this plugin, put plugin "java" at the top of your buildfile.

Using java

To use java in a target, you need to set the language: lang "java".

When building a binary (e.g. type "bin"), then you also need to set a mainclass for the resulting jar file: java main "xxx"; see below for more informations.


The java plugin only adds one command: java, but it’s very versatile in how it is used: it’s first parameter denotes what the command will be doing:


Sets the mainpackage; for example: java main "mypackage.Main" to set the mainclass to mypackage.Main or mypackage/

# Name Type Info
0 classname str Expanded?: ❌


Adds a package to the list of sealed packages.

# Name Type Info
0 package str

Package path needs to use the "/" delimiter instead of the normal "."

Expanded?: ❌


The java plugin uses toolchains to get various binaries it needs to call:

  • javac: the java compiler